While browsing I found an interesting article on time management so click this link which will direct you to the article. I am taking the tips, I think this can help you the most and adding some personal advice as well:
“Study difficult Subjects first.” I normally follow this one because I am one among the students who prefer doing the hard thing first so that I can relax later on….. However, I understand for some everything looks just as tough. In that case just make sure you start as soon as possible.
“Avoid scheduling marathon study session.” This would be the most important thing because I normally used to make a study plan which finally becomes an utter flop because of long hours. If you make a study plan, make sure it’s not a 10-hour session with no break…… you know one thing? No human brain can take it! From my own experience I would suggest having a study session in your study plan which is less than 2 hours, otherwise its point less…… after a couple of hours I need a break otherwise I would not be able to concentrate or focus anymore. What I do, for instance, is two hours of study, and then one hour of work out. After that I do two more hours and then I relax a bit.
“Beware of the best time of the day” I my case, I work better at the night. That causes many problems some times, because I need to wake up early which may result in less sleeping time. However, two hours of study at night is worth much more than the two hours in the middle of the day for me. You need to find what is best for your plan and plan study session accordingly. I recommend writing down your study plan in a white paper instead of having mind maps. Guys, this is the time to revise.
“Don’t get too comfortable” If you get too comfortable you’ll soon fall asleep! Believe guys this has several times happened to me. Discuss about your study plan with your family members or the person living with you, so as a result you’ll be forcing yourself to do it and you don’t let your plan down. Try it and see how it will motivate you.
“Get off your gadgets” I would also say to get off your laptop, mobile phones, ipad or whatever gadgets you use. Don’t have an excuse like “I need to do some online research.” Please keep away from face book monster and Television time eater.
Don’t feel that no one is supervising you while studying. Assume as if you are your own manager. I hope you don’t like your own manager to think you are a lazy procrastinator.
I hope this tips would be help full for your exam preparation. I wish you the best of luck for trimester/semester exams. Good luck!
Very useful tips, Ragavendra, and explained in a very straightforward way. New to your blog, and liking what I see. The depth of the topics that you are writing on tells me that you are very passionate about life. Wish you all the best. Keep writing.
Glad to find your blog with such beautiful subjects to explore. Wishing u keep continuing this beautiful work and keep us all bright with your bright burning thoughts
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