Let me first define the “blue print of life” for you. It’s simply the way you think, feel and act. These apply to everyone. This doesn’t need lot of education or very little to find and reset your blue print. The blue print is the real root cause of every happening (Success or Failure) in your life. In this article you’ll understand how your blueprint determines your feelings around everything including your fears, your worries etc. It is the same blue print that creates your habits and determines whether you’re a saver or spender, good manager or poor manager, brilliant or dull. In short, your blue print determines your life. After reading this article you exactly know why you are not able to be successful and why you’re not able to reach your maximum potential?
To have a better understanding, let me compare life with an apple tree. On the tree grows fruits which are called our results. So let us take a look at our fruits or results and honestly we don’t like them because they don’t taste good, they are too small then what do we tend to do? We’ll start focusing more and more on the fruits (i.e. results) which is a wrong approach. If we closely look at it what is that caused those particular fruits? It’s the tree’s roots which are under the ground and invisible. These invisible roots create the visible fruits. I hope you all agree that Human beings are also a part of nature. If we want to change out fruits we put attention on the roots. Then think where we really need to work on. To work on you need to really know that we never live in one world; we live in at least four different worlds at once.
1. Mental world (MW)
2. Emotional world (EW)
3. Spiritual world (SW)
4. Physical world (PW)
Your physical world is just a print out of the other three worlds. Physical world are our fruits and the rest of the worlds are the roots which are invisible. Here nothing happens in the real world before it happens in MW, EW and SW.
To change your outer world you need to change your inner world first. In management jargon, it’s nothing but “cause and effect.” The blue print is already been preset in each one of us. The way we look at the life differs country to country, state to state, family to family, person to person. You know why? The reason is the blue print of life. The blue print of the life is formed by the programming we received in the past (when you were young) from your parents, teachers, television etc. Most of us were taught how to look at stuff instead of making us think how to look at life. So my advice is take a plain sheet writes down the positive things which you know about success and read it every day to remind yourself about the value of success until you reach your goal. So guys I hope you understood. If it sounds great, reset your blue print as soon as possible to achieve your goal…………………………….
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