The New product launch program is a simulation of product launch for students. Each team acts as if they launch a product in the real market. The concepts are selected by the faculty and every team has a month time to research about it. Basically the team needs to know everything about the product, market, and target customers’ etcetera. What’s more, every participant needs to be trained on public speaking, writing business plan and a big etcetera. The New product launch program will take place in the end of the month of March. The final goal is to impress the Students, Faculty, and Participants with a great product.
I hope to make it easier I’ll attach a video about my Product in the future posts. It is definitely a lot of work, but it is also very rewarding for the participants. First of all, the learning experience is priceless. In addition, it is going to be an opportunity for networking and, of course, to have fun in such an environment. Now, if you are a MSSM student and think you might be interested, I definitely encourage you to comment or suggest any action plan for me to do better in New product launch program.